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SAPE users hit by penalty?

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Sounds like a lot of people who were using SAPE saw a rankings decrease the past few days. I'm thinking it could be from the hacked sites algorithm Google released a week or so ago. That never made sense when they said it would impact about 5% of queries. Panda and Penguin usually only touched on 2-3%. However, if part of what the algorithm was doing was penalizing or discounting links where it looks like the site was hacked to get the link, then the 5% makes a lot more sense.


Those kind of links are what much of SAPE is about.

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Sounds like a lot of people who were using SAPE saw a rankings decrease the past few days. I'm thinking it could be from the hacked sites algorithm Google released a week or so ago. That never made sense when they said it would impact about 5% of queries. Panda and Penguin usually only touched on 2-3%. However, if part of what the algorithm was doing was penalizing or discounting links where it looks like the site was hacked to get the link, then the 5% makes a lot more sense.


Those kind of links are what much of SAPE is about.

 I thought they were already banned the SAPE network, but I still saw them selling links, now I realize what they did, they were selling hacking links dha!!!! I guess that game is over, they will figure it out another one.

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Sounds like a lot of people who were using SAPE saw a rankings decrease the past few days. I'm thinking it could be from the hacked sites algorithm Google released a week or so ago. That never made sense when they said it would impact about 5% of queries. Panda and Penguin usually only touched on 2-3%. However, if part of what the algorithm was doing was penalizing or discounting links where it looks like the site was hacked to get the link, then the 5% makes a lot more sense.


Those kind of links are what much of SAPE is about.

 I thought they were already banned the SAPE network, but I still saw them selling links, now I realize what they did, they were selling hacking links dha!!!! I guess that game is over, they will figure it out another one.



SAPE is enormous and growing all the time. I do not think they will ever be able to just take out the whole network, but they can hit chunks of it now and then.

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I'm not recommending SAPE links but those guys are sloppy If they're pointing hacked links directly at a money page instead of using a disposable buffer. That's basic SEO for obvious link building.


Their footprints on the hacked sites/pages are the size of Montana, lol, you don't even need binoculars to see that footprint.

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You pay a guy to plant links into a site that the guy hacks into, from what I understand. You're basically paying someone to do forced entry and planting unwarranted links on other sites than those you own and control or interact with directly.

It's good for churn and burn I suppose, maybe not the best tactic in the long run.

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