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Thanks, Google! Social engineering content complaint.

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As if I didn't have enough on my table already Google decided to slap our site with WNC-806900 aka social engineering content complaint. The page in question is a rather simple trial account form.

I suspect that the reason for this flagging is a bit of Javascript that automatically populates username and password fields. This is done for user convenience. Our system needs to have usernames, but users log in by email. Thus the usernames can be any string of garbage - well, except for the actual email because of... ummm... ehhh... reasons? We're sending the passwords out so automatically generating them at least makes sure they're strong. There's also some limitations in the form system which made the Javascript look like a good and quick solution. However, I've now switched this code to PHP as much as I can.

I'm basically just venting a bit here, but maybe this could help someone. ;)

Reconsideration request is on it's way, of course.

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This form isn't really critical to us, and I also decided to move it to another URL. I can be like "Google, you lovable rascals, what have you done now LOL".

However, I heard that a local ERP company was slapped with a similar false positive notice. For their entire site/service. They have to do everything by the book so they got a 3rd party security consultants involved - after auditing their whole server.

I'm not them, but that seriously pisses me off.

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